people of color

2835 days ago

Are you a guilty white liberal who wants to self flagellate to atone for the sins of your ancestors?

Do you read the papers every day feeling guilty about your white privilege? Obviously that means that you are not a working class person living in a rust belt town with no job but a liberal with a good education living in metropolitan luxury. But you keep telling those unemployed folks that they enjoy privilege and need to pay up for it. Then go tweet about what a bigot Donald Trump is.

But you are worried that the Democrats are so beholden to Wall Street that they will not raise taxes for the really rich (like you). It is, after all , better to punish those privileged white folks in the rust belt again. But still you think the Government should take more money away from folks who have worked hard to earn it. That is because the Government spends it so wisely. Hey, more cash for Hillary to go send some poor kids off to have their legs blown off in the Middle East with a dumbass war. What a good idea.

So here's a way to get rid of that liberal guilt and make some reparations direct 
